Scanning Polaroid pictures can be tricky. The Polaroid Scan Mask from ars-imago & CAMERADACTYL will help you! It‘s the perfect solution to digitize your Polaroid shots with a modern flatbed scanner. The mask completely eliminates Newton's rings that normally occur when scanning Polaroid images directly on a flatbed scanner. You can use the following formats with the Polaroid Scan Mask: 600, i-Type, SX-70 and Fuji Instax Wide (a separate mask is available for Fuji Instax Mini).

Why should you use a scan mask?
No more Newton‘s rings (due to a small distance between the instant photo and the glass surface of the scanner)
Four photos can be digitized at the same time (they are aligned)
The black background will help with color correction and contrast
Cut-out holes for your fingers ensure that you can quickly remove the pictures
Size: ca. 26 x 22 x 0.5 cm
4 Polaroids: Format 600, i-Type, SX-70 & Fuji Instax Wide (or 8 with Fuji Instax Mini mask)
The Polaroid Scan Mask comes with a protective paper, you have to remove this paper completely.
It's best to use double-sided tape to attach the pictures to the mask
No special software is needed (works with the software supplied with your scanner)
Align the mask to one edge of the scanner: This helps aligning the images and they can be easily cropped out
We recommend to use the mask with a flatbed photo scanner (e.g. Epson V370, Epson V550, Epson V600, Epson V700/750, Epson V800/850, Canon CanoScan 9000F Mark II and others)
You can find more information in the manual (Download-Link PDF)
Newton's rings comparison
Newton's rings are almost impossible to avoid when digitizing a reflective surface on a flatbed scanner: The reflection creates color patterns that are very difficult to remove. By using a scan mask, this color pattern can be avoided very easily. Below you can see an example of a Fuji Instax Mini image. The Polaroid Scan Mask comes with a protective paper, you have to remove this paper completely. It's best to use double-sided tape to attach the pictures to the mask

Shop Links:
ars-imago & Cameradactyl Instant Scan Maske
